Publications &

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As a member of the AI & Data Committee of the international association ECTA, I share the latest AI-related developments in the Netherlands with my fellow international participants. Location: Antwerp.


VPR-A Seminar Privacy

In connection with the Legal Postgraduate Education at Leiden University, I am giving a course. On developments in the Court’s jurisprudence. Among other things, I share special statistics about the Court!



For Eurojust, I am giving a webinar on international police data flows, in light of the new EU legislation — the EU Digital Rulebook.



The Meet-Up organised by VNG and Dataschool (UU) on the AI Act. I spoke about the Act as a negotiation outcome and acted as co-leader at one of the breakout sessions.


VPR-A Seminar Privacy

As part of the University of Leiden’s Post Academic Legal Education programme, I will give a lecture. It is about the case-law of the EU Court of Justice. I will be bringing some really interesting statistics about the Court!


Panel #CPDP2023

Organised by the KU Leuven Digital Society Institute, I joined the “Guardians of Ethical AI” panel; part of the Computers, Privacy & Data Protection conference in Brussels. It was a succes, thanks to +50 audience members despite the early morning!


VAI-A Spring meeting

We hosted our third meeting of the Association of AI Advocates (VAI-A) in Amsterdam. It was very cool!



I was a guest at the PrivacyPod again. This time to talk about AI, the GDPR and, of course, ChatGPT.



At the Beeld&Geluid venue in The Hague, I participated in the kick-off meeting for the Rathenau Institute’s new work programme, theme “Digitisation”. An extraordinary afternoon!



At the invitation of the Utrecht Data School, I attended the Privacy Speech. Hybrid Human gave an inspiring speech Harry Parker: “How do you learn to live as a human-machine?”.

Publications and presentations

Joost regularly publishes on legal-ethical issues that arise
when deploying new technology such as facial recognition or deep fakes.
Below is a selection of my presentations. Read on about the lectures.
Listen to my podcasts here.
PS: Do you like the paintings? They were made by my father!


Oxford University Press (2024)

The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED) – A Commentary: Article 40 International Cooperation for the Protection of Personal Data



Rathenau Institute (2023)

Tech-scan: Generatieve AI



Rathenau Institute (2023)

Tech scan: immersive technologies



NtER (2023)

The Data Governance Act (DGA): Modern, yet irrelevant?



Rathenau Institute (2022)

Society and synthetic cells – A position paper by the Future Panel on Synthetic Life



Utrecht University (2021)

Tactful non-contact research – Guide for GDPR-compliant researchers



Computerrecht (2021)

Article about te Dutch “Debat Direct app” case



European Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament (2021)

Tackling deepfakes in European policy



European Data Protection Law Review (2021)

Article about Dutch “Voetbal TV” case



Beleid en Maatschappij (2020)

Better protected against biometry



Rathenau Institute (2020)

Data solidarity for health



Rathenau Institute (2020)

Valued at work – Limits to digital monitoring at the workplace using data, algorithms and AI



Rathenau Institute (2020)

Feet on the ground – Data-driven innovation in the city



Beleid en Maatschappij (2018)

A fair gig economy



Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2017)

Human rights in the robot age – Challenges arising from the use of robotics, artificial intelligence, and virtual and augmented reality


Book me as speaker

Speaking is something I like to do. About AI, the law and ethics. Always in a casual and accessible way. Listen for yourself.
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My lecture

Since Legal Beetle was founded in 2016, I have given dozens of lectures, courses, workshops, etc. See a selection below:

2024 | Joost’s case corner – PrivacyPod (multiple times a year)
2024 | Presentatie “Verboden AI Praktijken” – Dutch Association for AI Lawyers (VAI-A)
2024 | VNG meet-up “AI Act Maximum of Minimum”. Read the report here. Re-watch the meet-up here
2024 | Workshop “AI Act” – Gemeente Utrecht
2023 | Pont Academy Course “New European rules in a nutshell”
2023 | VPR-A Seminar on Privacy and Data Protection Law Spring 2023: ‘On Developments in Court Case Law’ – Leiden University, Legal Postgraduate Education
2023 | Participant panel Guardians of Ethical AI: “Can digital ethicists steer effective implementation of policy”? – CPDP2023
2023 | Tax Office (Domain Analytics) – Soapbox ‘AI Act’
2023 | Delfland Water Board – Lunch lecture “Ethics following digital transformation”
2023 | Ethics Colloqium 2023 – Utrecht University – The GDPR & Data Science
2023 | Participant panel “Contesting AI & data practices. Practical approaches to preserving public values in the datafied society” – Privacycamp23
2022 | Second session Workshop – “AI Act for data scientists” – Rijks ICT Gilde
2022 | First session Workshop – “AI Act for data scientists” – Rijks ICT Gilde
2022 | CDO Platform – Het Waterschapshuis – “Wat kan, mag en zou moeten?” (over de AI Act, Open Datarichtlijn, Data Act en Data Governance Act)
2022 | Voorjaarsbijeenkomst Vereniging AI-Advocaten (VAI-A) – “AI Act: feiten en fabels”
2022 | Ethics Colloqium 2022 – Utrecht University – The GDPR & Data Science
2021 | Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie (KNMP), sectie Apotheker Geneesmiddel en Maatschappij (AGM)- “Wat is AI en hoe beïnvloedt het onze levens?”
2021 | Congres Zorg & ICT 2021 – Rondetafelgesprek Privacy en gegevensbescherming in de digitale zorg
2021 | Ethics Colloqium 2021 – Utrecht University – The GDPR & Data Science
2019 | “Mensenrechten in het robottijdperk” – InnoTeP
2018 | Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (Directie Informatiesamenleving en Overheid ) – Presentatie “Waardevol bouwen met data”
2018 | Expert lecture/workshop – LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES WITH BIG DATA & ANALYTICS – Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University)
2018 | Informatiepositie kleine gemeenten – Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid (CCV) – “Data en privacy: wat is mogelijk?”
2017 | Expert lecture/workshop – LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES WITH BIG DATA & ANALYTICS: “Technological developments and the GDPR” – Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University)
2017 | Veiligheidsregio Utrecht – Nationaal symposium: “Innoveren met Informatie”
2017 | Workshop – Gemeenten Eindhoven: juridisch perspectief op smart cities
2017 | Big data gemeenten – “Datagedreven sturing”
2017 | Summer Course Regulating Big Tech – Lecture: “Fundamental Rights and Innovation” – Utrecht University
2017 | Gemeente Utrecht – Informatie- en Procesmanagement (IPM) dag – “Big data, AI, en de overheid”
2017 | “Privacy en Security” – Nijkerk – KNVI (Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Informatieprofessionals)(voorheen Ngi-NGN) – met Jaap Wesselius
2016 | Masterclass privacywetgeving – “Datagestuurd werken in publieke organisaties” – Overheid 360
2016 | Cursus – “Data en recht” – Gemeente Dordrecht – met Data School (Utrecht University)
2016 | “IT & recht” – Utrecht – KNVI (Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging van Informatieprofessionals)(voorheen Ngi-NGN) – met Jaap Wesselius

Joost turns it around: ‘Silence is silver, speech is gold’

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